29.04.2020 12:25 Il y a : 4 yrs
Catégorie : AGENDA
Catégorie : AGENDA
The International Sleep Medicine Course ISMC 2020 - 29/04/2020
The International Sleep Medicine Course ISMC 2020 - 29/04/2020
Floreal Club - Blankenberge
The ISMC is a joint organization of the Belgian Association for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (BASS), the Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Slaap-Waak Onderzoek (NSWO) and the British Sleep Society (BSS). The ISMC has grown into a highly acclaimed international postgraduate program for professionals involved in caring for patients with sleep disorders. The scope of the course is to offer a comprehensive and contemporary review of the most relevant aspects of normal sleep and sleep disorders.
Accreditation ethics and economics was applied.