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18.12.2015 13:55 Il y a : 9 yrs
Catégorie : AGENDA

The 6th International ESPCOP “European Society for Perioperative Care of the Obese Patient” meeting - 18-19/12/2015

Friday afternoon December 18th 2015: live anaesthesia session / Saturday December 19th 2015: ESPCOP meeting

Programme 18/12  - Programme 19/12

 Dear colleagues

 The 6th International ESPCOP “European Society for Perioperative Care of the Obese Patient” meeting takes place in Crowne Plaza Bruges on Saturday December 19th 2015.


We would love having you attending this meeting and discuss together  “ Why, how and when do we use low-opioid or opioid free anaesthesia combined with post-operative multimodal analgesia in morbidly obese patients?”

This approach seems useful for morbidly obese patients with OSAS, but do other patients benefit as well?


This year we also organise a live opioid free anaesthesia session for bariatric surgery and plastic surgery at AZ Sint-Jan AV.

This takes place on Friday December 18th 2015 in the afternoon, the day before the ESPCOP meeting, and requires separate registration, as space are limited. (more information and registration:  kelly.baert)  


Attached you could find registration form, Preliminary program and flyers.

More information will be on the website soon 


All registration forms may be send back to kelly.baert

We hope to welcome you at our Annual Scientific Meeting and live session.

Kind Regards

Jan P Mulier, Luc Debaerdemaeker and the ESPCOP Board.

AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende av

Ruddershove 10


