Catégorie : AGENDA
Le profilage génétique des tumeurs en pratique clinique : Actualités 2021 - 27/11/2021
25th year FORPATH asbl is organizing 3 PATHOLOGY WORKSHOPS
25th year FORPATH asbl
October 16, 2021 - 09h30 - 13h
Ponctions - Biopsies et lymphomes
Dr Frédéric Charlotte (F)
November 27, 2021 - 9h30 - 13h
Le profilage génétique des tumeurs en pratique clinique : Actualités 2021
Dr Raouf Benabdelali (F)
February 19, 2022 - 9h30 - 13h
Histopathology of non-IBD colitis
Dr Pieter Demetter (E)
These meeting are designed fort specialists in Pathology who wish to compare and improve their knowledge in small group. They are essentially practical and include a brief theoretical review followed by microscopic demonstrations and discussions. A few places are reserved for trainees.
Language : English (E) – Français (F)
Venue : The Mirror, boulevard de l’Humanité 116 à 1070 Bruxelles
Number of participants : maximum 50
Information : Dr Marie-Françoise Dehou