Catégorie : AGENDA
XXXth edition of the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology - 21-23/02/2018
XXXth edition of the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology
Hilton Hotel, Antwerp
Contact : Anne-France De Meyer
the next edition of the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Antwerp from Wednesday 21 until Friday 23 February 2018. Please note that this means we shifted the dates and already start on Wednesday afternoon!
This 30 th Anniversary Edition should bring us all together for an exciting scientific and clinical event, meeting our goals of reconciling research and clinics in a professional as well as warm and friendly ambiance, with the continuing support of our industrial partners.
As our professional landscape and the world around us is constantly evolving, the BWGE also evolves to remain at the frontline of meetings where we can exchange knowledge and experience. In collaboration with the many scientific societies of several disciplines, illustrating the multidisciplinarity of gastroenterology and hepatology, the steering committee is working hard to put together a program that is both innovative and respects the tradition that made this conference the number One meeting in gastroenterology and hepatology in Belgium.