16.01.2016 13:22 Il y a : 9 yrs
Catégorie : AGENDA
Catégorie : AGENDA
“Quality and Safety in the field of Radiation Oncology” - 16/01/2016
Belgian Radiation Oncology Awareness and Visibility Organization BRAVO Symposium
Belgian Radiation Oncology Awareness and Visibility Organization
BRAVO Symposium
“Quality and Safety in the field of Radiation Oncology”
Venue: Square Brussels Meeting Centre
Date: 16/01/2016
09h00-09h30 | Welcome coffee |
09h30-09h40 | Introduction S. Cuypers, Co-president of BRAVO |
09h40-10h00 | Efficacy and Safety of Radiation Oncology Pr. Ph. Coucke, Chef de Service Universitaire de Radiothérapie Département de Physique Médicale Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège |
10h00-10h20 | Effectiveness of Radiation Oncology Pr. P. Scalliet, Chef du Service de radiothérapie oncologique aux Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc |
10h20-10h50 | Break |
10h50-11h10 | Imaging in Radiation Oncology Prof. Dr. G. De Meerleer, Radiotherapeut Oncoloog UZ Gent |
11h10-11h30 | Automatisation in Radiation Oncology Prof. D. Verellen, Biomedical Physics VUB, Medical Physicist Radiotherapy UZ Brussel, Treasurer ESTRO |
11h30-11h45 | Closing remarks Prof. Dr. Y. Lievens, President-Elect ESTRO |
11h45-12h00 | Q&A |
12h00-13h00 | Networking Lunch |
Note: the slides of the presentation will be in English. The presentations will be held in the speakers' native language.
Contact :
Nicolas Jansen
CHU de Liege (Liege University Hospital)
Domaine universitaire Sart Tilman B35
B-4000 Liege