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09.06.2015 08:16 Il y a : 9 yrs
Catégorie : AGENDA

Cardiac Imaging section meeting of the Belgian Society of Radiology - 09/06/2015

BSR Section Meeting Cardiac Imaging call & preliminary programme


Dear Colleague
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Cardiac Imaging section meeting of the Belgian Society of Radiology. This meeting will take place at the Mariott Hotel Brussels (Avenue des Olympiades 6, 1140 Brussels) on Tuesday June 9th, 2015, 18h30.
Please find herewith a preliminary programme.
#1 Radiation exposure related to CT: do we need to be unfazed, scared or very scared? 
- 30/35 min + 5 min discussion
- Speaker: Nico Buls, Physicist, VUB
#2 Radiation reduction strategies in CT coronary angiography
- 30/35 min + 5 min discussion
- Speaker: Nico Mollet, Radiologist, AZ Turnhout
#3 Diagnostic accuracy and related radiation exposure in the detection of myocardial ischemia using nuclear stress tests
- 30/35 min + 5 min discussion
- Speaker: Livia Hasslinghaus, Nuclear Imaging, AZ Turnhout
#4 Case Reports/Short papers
End of the program followed by walking dinner.  Accreditation request with FANC and RIZIV/INAMI is pending.
Suggestions for abstracts of studies, communications, case reports and any other contribution to complete the programme can be mailed before May 25th, 2015 to dr. Alain Nchimi (anchimi(at) or dr. Nico Mollet (nramollet(at)
Best regards
Kind regards,
Dr. Nico Mollet                                                  Dr. Alain Nchimi
section president                                               section secretary